Question Types

Single Input

Single question entry for text, e-mail, date and so on. Adjust the possible input via Properties > General > Input Type.

Here is an example:


Multiple choice question. Custodian is able to select one or more answers to a question.

Adjust the number of columns via Properties > Layout > Column count.

Here is an example:


Single choice question. Custodian can select only one answer.

Here is an example:

Question with dropdown choices. The custodian can select one option from the dropdown menu.

Here is an example:


Question with a multiline textbox. This enables custodians to give a longer answer.

Here is an example:


Question where a rating can be chosen. This rating can be adjusted via Properties > Rate Values.

Here are two examples:


Question with yes/no or true/false choice. Adjust No/Yes via Properties > Data (Value True/Value False).

Here is an example:


A read-only question. Custodians cannot answer this question. Use this question to calculate the combined results of other questions based on an expression (Properties > General > Expression):

Here is an example based on the expression used above:

Matrix (single choice)

Simple matrix question, only one choice per row.

Here is an example:

Matrix (multiple choice)

Matrix dropdown question. You may use a dropdown, checkbox, radiogroup, text, comment and others question types as cell editors (via Properties > General > Cell type):

Here is an example:

Matrix (dynamic rows)

Matrix dynamic question. You may use a dropdown, checkbox, radiogroup, text and comment questions as cell editors. An end-user may dynamically add/remove rows, unlike in matrix single or multiple choice question.

Here is an example:

Multiple Text

Multiple text question. Several text inputs in one question can be placed in one or several columns. 

The custodian is able to give a long answer over multiple lines.

Here is an example: