Select Matter

The Select Matter screen is the first screen that appears when ZyLAB ONE is launched. Depending on your organization’s specific use case, a matter may represent an individual public records request, a specific document collection pertaining to a public records request, or any other collection of data related to a specific case or project. You will only see matters to which you have been assigned rights.

From the Select Matter screen, you can choose between the following:

  • Select Add Matter to create a new matter (rights permitting). If you create a new matter, you will select a matter template. When creating a matter for Litigation and Arbitration purposes, select Litigation_EU or Litigation_US—see Create Matter.

  • Open an existing matter by selecting the matter tile.

Tip: Once a matter is created, you may want to set up matter specific rules such as auto-redactions, keyword highlighting or auto-classification rules to make the review process more efficient. 

Watch this video to learn how to set up a matter: