What's New

Attention: New features are rolled out gradually. This allows for a smoother transition and a better experience for our users.

Ease the burden of legal hold in a defensible way and improve your ability to identify critical data.

ZyLAB ONE Insights
Extract relevant information (entities), such as real world objects (persons, locations, organizations, products, etc.), emotions, sentiments and references between them.

Product Launch Videos
Watch our videos on our latest releases.

Get Started

Respond to open records requests with ZyLAB ONE. Watch our videos and follow our use case.

Litigation & Arbitration
ZyLAB ONE is the ideal platform to perform eDiscovery for Litigation. Watch our introduction video and follow our use case to learn more.

Internal Investigations
Watch our introduction video and follow our use case on how to perform Internal Investigations using ZyLAB ONE.

Regulatory Requests
Learn how to respond to regulatory requests properly. Follow our Zorgfraude (Dutch) use case.

Data Privacy & Protection
Learn how to stay compliant with the GDPR privacy law. Follow our use cases.

Woo (Dutch)
Leer hoe u een Woo-verzoek uitvoert met behulp van ZyLAB ONE. Bekijk onze videos en volg onze use case.