Start a Project

A project is filled with documents (from a matter) that you want to review/analyze with Assisted Review. Prior to adding documents to a project, you need to assess the data in your matter and determine which and how many documents should be reviewed/analyzed. This depends on a lot of things, like the goal you want to achieve, the data present in the matter, or the data that you expect to be present in the matter, the number of reviewers, the number of already found responsive documents, etc.

You have various options to choose from when adding a project. The choices you make, define how you want to start the assisted review process. Be careful: certain choices cannot be reversed. For example, you cannot add a Validation Set to an existing project. If you decide later on that you do need a Validation Set, you must add a new project.  

If you are not sure which options to choose from, please refer to one of the following use cases: