Quoted and Unquoted Searches

Examples Unquoted Search

Type of search

Example Query


full-text search

a* - {avocado}

supports exclusion lists, finds 'apple' in text.

field filter search

field1=t* - {talk}

returns an error: ' Error 4150: Unexpected nested exclusion list.'

IN fieldname{query}

in field1{t* - {talk}}

supports exclusion lists, finds 'test' in text 'simple test'.

Examples Quoted Search

Type of search

Example Query


full-text search

"a* - {avocado}"

does not recognize exclusion lists: assumes they are part of the search pattern. No results.

field filter search

field1="t* - {talk}"

does not recognize exclusion lists: assumes they are part of the search pattern. No results.

IN fieldname{query}

in field1{"t* - {talk}"}

supports exclusion lists, finds 'test' in text 'simple test'.