File Upload

Review the documentation below to learn the procedure for uploading files.

  1. Drag-and-drop files or folders to upload, alternatively select files (ZIP, PST, etc.) or select folders.

    Note: You cannot upload folders using Internet Explorer.

  2. Click Upload.

  3. View what is going to be uploaded.

  4. Add more files/folders, or clear all files/folders: 

    Note: You can remove specific files/folders by selecting their checkbox and clicking Remove selected items.

  5. Select one or more files or file groups. If nothing is selected, all files will be uploaded.

  6. Add and/or select the Custodian and Source.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Adjust the Upload Name when prompted.

  9. Click Start.

  10. View the status and progress of your upload on the main Upload page.