User Management

Add or delete users/groups and assign roles to them.

  • On the Home page, select Configuration:

  • Select User Management:

Add Users/Groups

Select  to add users/groups from the Active Directory.

Delete User/Group

Delete a user/group from User Management, if no longer needed.  

You can always add the user/group again from the Active Directory. 

Assign Role to User/Group

Global roles assigned to users/groups apply to all matters. Matter roles apply to one specific matter.

Users and groups are derived from the Active Directory.

  1. Select a User/Group from the tab on the left. 

    Filter if needed.

    • For a selected group, you can select the Related Users tab for an overview of all users in this group. 

      You can select and copy this list and paste it into a spreadsheet.   

  2. Assign/remove a Global role via the Global Roles tab. Assign/remove a Matter role via the Matter Roles tab.

    • In the Matter Roles tab, you can select a role that can be assigned in combination with Document Security rules (when such a role is created in Role Management).

      Document Security rules enable you to refine access to documents per user (group).

      You can assign roles with access to all documents and/or roles with access to the documents found with a specific Document Security Role. View the example below.

      Note: It is possible to combine roles for one user (group). For example, a user might be allowed to search all documents, but only be allowed to view the set of Public documents. 

  3. For an overview of all assigned roles to a user or group, select the Overview tab.